Youth Work Is...A Philosophy

 Risk, Resilience and Prevention

"Adults are responsible for identifying problems, recognizing deficits, and leading young people to understand the importance of preventing risky behavior. The aim of this model is to influence the development of skills and prosocial, protective behaviors for individual young people. In preventing negative behaviors like violence, sexual promiscuity, or drug use, youth work programs can influence positive community outcomes."

What this quote means to me:

When reading the article by my YDEV teachers, I was very intrigued with their discussion, particularly about youth work ideologies. This quote stood out to me because I believe that starting to teach children at a young age, helps them create awareness of negative behaviors. In my experience, I have worked with children in youth programs who strive to make the their priority educating them in the right way to act as a young person. Growing up with different knowledge and experiances can definitely play a role in how an individual acts as a child. This is because you may be unaware of the proper skills and actions to take to avoid risky behaviors. I strongly believe that if youth programs work together to prevent this behavior in young people, we can create a great and concrete community.

"The kids are playing games -- they are leading games, and they are laughing and learning.  Everyone knows each other’s names.  And I saw one coach pull a kid aside and ask how his grandmother was feeling now that she is out of the hospital. I was a competitive basketball player in high school.  Our practices didn’t look like this at all.  I remember being yelled at by my coaches, and we did a lot of challenging and repetitive drills, over and over until we ‘got it right.’  I thought sports were for people who could grit through the pain, and come out on top.  This wrestling program is so different.” 

What this quote means to me:

This quote was very powerful and eye opening to me because I connected with the author's experience. It made me realize that my sport teams growing up should have been designed very differently. As a young person, you want to feel like you're noticed and heard. I believe that the wrestling practice showed a great example of how sports teams should treat their students. In addition, it allowed children to have fun and build close relationships and connections with their teammates. Something else that caught my eye when reading this quote was the last statement. I always thought as a young person that in order for you to be a great athlete, you have to go through all of the pain and challenges to become the best version of yourself. Now as an adult and current youth worker, I look back on that statement and realize that I was completely wrong. It shouldn't always be about being the best, you should be able to enjoy the fun side of sports as well.

YDEV Ideology Horoscopes

“Lead with young people to challenge unjust policies, practices, beliefs, and structures.”

What this quote means to me:

After doing the ideology inventory and reading the Youth Development ideology horoscope, I felt that this quote truly shows how children should navigate and make meaning of our society. Leading young people, but allowing them to lead themselves is very important. By giving them independance, you are letting them explore and solve out challenges on their own which will help them grow. But providing some assistance also gives them the tools and guidance to help them develop. Us as youth workers, we will help guide young people throughout challenges and hardships that they might encounter and provide them support when they need it. 



  1. I really like the pictures you chose! Also, I really like the quote from the first picture. It's powerful! I also chose the quote about the wrestling program. That quote really stood out to me as well. I also think it's important to have fun while learning. The sport should be fun as well as, not just challenging. I agree that it was a great example how coaches/teams should treat their players. It should be more than a just sport, there should be a relationship too. It's nice when students are valued and have a connection/relationship with their coach.

  2. Hi Alyssa,

    I really liked all of your pics, they relate well to this week's topic. We choose the same quote regarding Risk, Resilience and Prevention, that quote was very powerful. I agreed with you that helping children to be aware of negative behavior/situations help them determine it and also helps them on how to deal with it, they should be taught at younger age about positive and negative behavior so they can be able to distinguish them.


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