Youth Work Is... Purposeful Play
These articles provided a new insight to me on how children play. Play is such an important aspect in a child's growth physically and emotionally. I never knew that play had so many parts to it until I read these readings. According to Henry Jenkins play is composed of the six P's which are permission, process, passion, productivity, participation, and pleasure. I kept re-reading this article because I was trying to find what the main message she was trying to portray. I realized that I needed to stop worrying about piecing together her words and instead understanding that kids learn the best through any kind of play. I really resonated with her reasoning behind permission. I learned about the "magic circle" which is a mental bracket we put around our activities which changes their affects, meaning, and most of all their consequences. "Within that magic circle, we lower the consequences of risks; we agree to engage with each other with good humor; we try hard bu...